Collaboration Corner | January 2019
Donelson Church of Christ & McGavock Elementary: Family Engagement
Donelson Church of Christ has partnered with McGavock Elementary for eight years. They offer free dinner once a month at their church for 50+ students and parents from McGavock Elementary.
After the meal, they offer free ESL classes for parents while students go to their Bible classes. In addition, a few of their dental professionals provide a free dental clinic 3-4 times a year.
“We’d like to encourage everyone to realize that there are many ways to serve. No one can do everything, but if everyone does something, then a lot gets done! Raindrops become creeks. Creeks become rivers. Rivers become oceans.”
– Pastor Russ King

Email Janelle with questions and to share your events and stories so we can continue to share resources across our United4Hope network.