What Does Reciprocity Look Like?

At United4Hope, we always emphasize to our new church partners that the relationships that we work to facilitate are built on mutuality and reciprocity. Sometimes that might seem a bit hard to imagine in the beginning stages. Coordinators and their volunteers are eager to link arms with the school and begin their service. They are ready to tutor or eat lunch with a child, assist and encourage a teacher, be a presence at evening school events, or stock the food pantry and clothing closet. As they are focused on all those wonderful opportunities of giving, they can’t yet fully see how their partnership will also enrich their own lives.
June Keel, our coordinator from Holy Trinity Lutheran, heads up the volunteer efforts and the partnership with Harpeth Valley Elementary. June is a reading buddy to a precious little girl and has told us how much she enjoys working with her student and seeing her progress. She recently shared with me that the 2nd grade class made cards for the congregants from Holy Trinity who couldn’t attend their church services due to illness or for those who just need a little cheer. When we saw this example of one of the cards, we said, “This is what reciprocity looks like!” June and other volunteers are encouraging their students on a weekly basis, and the students are creating cards to encourage the congregants. What a blessing to see this beautiful, tangible evidence of reciprocity!
Jenny Runyon – United4Hope Program Manager