Will You Write Encouraging Notes to your Partner School?

On Sunday, April 24, we would love for your church to write encouraging notes to every faculty and staff member at your United4Hope partner school in honor of Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week. Participating coordinators will get an “encouragement kit” – everything they need for the note writing event, including directions, notecards, and promotional materials. This event requires minimal prep and will be a HUGE encouragement to MNPS faculty and staff!


1.) If your church would like to participate, please sign up here by March 10. We encourage you to read the signup steps listed on the link as well.

2.) Pick up the Encouragement Kit at our office April 4, 5, 7, or 8 from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Office address: 1807 Grand Avenue, Nashville, TN 37212.

3.) On Sunday, April 24, we encourage you to set up a table where volunteers can write notes to faculty/staff members at your United4Hope partner school. We will give you enough cards to cover all faculty/staff members at your partner school, so once the cards are gone, all the notes have been written!

4.) The coordinator will connect with the school liaison to drop off the notes the week of May 2 – 6, which is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week.

If your church is interested in writing notes to faculty and staff members at additional schools, we have non United4Hope schools at the top of the sign up list indicated by two asterisks (**).

We are excited about this opportunity to encourage MNPS faculty and staff for ALL that they do! More information will be shared soon with your pastor. I hope you will consider signing up today! If you have any questions, please reach out to me at laura.varela@operationandrew.org.