
“They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”

Isaiah 61:3

The Oak Project began with the desire to equip the next generation of Nashville's leaders by connecting them with the top leaders in the city. We now have paired over 500 individuals in intentional mentoring relationships with the desire to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.

Operation Andrew Group's mission to unite churches and care for the city has always included strong leadership from the business and professional sectors. The Oak Project was created after surveying numerous mentorship programs around the country to establish a program that would pass on strong, Godly leadership qualities to young women and men who were hungry to be more like Jesus, wanted to grow to become leaders in their profession, and want to learn how to live out their faith each and every day.

The initial cohort of the Oak Project in 2015 had an amazing response of over 60 individuals, both mentors and mentees, that invested in being a part of an intentional mentoring relationship. We were extremely blessed to have notable leaders such as Marty Dickens, Nancy Reece, and Joe Hutts join the first year of the program, which allowed us to lean on their credibility to recruit program participants. After several months, groups shared story after story of how impactful their mentorship group had already been and how they knew the bonds built would last for decades.

As we look back on the history of the Oak Project, our groups reported that they built new friendships, viewed their vocation in a new lens, negotiated raises, served together, walked together through hard times, gained new perspectives, and most importantly became more like Jesus together. Our mentors have navigated everyday life moments and significant milestones such as pre-marriage counseling sessions, establishment of businesses, and they walked with mentees as they led their friends to Jesus.

We invite you to be a part of God's design to unite His people from various professions, backgrounds, cultures, and stages of life to learn and grow together.


The Oak Project is an initiative of Operation Andrew Group.

Board of Directors

Kevin Hawley

Board Chair

Tammy Brewer


Joe Hutts


Linda Leathers

President, ex officio

Mark Barrett

Carlina Bell Rollins

Sandy Bledsoe

Howard Gentry

Tam Gordon

Brenda Haywood

Stan Knott

Davis Mello

Michael Pratt

Wes Turner

Richard Williams

Leadership Team

Linda Leathers

Linda Leathers


Email Linda


Adam Buzard

Director of United4Pastors

Email Adam

Karyn headshot

Karyn Humphries, ACC

Director of Oak Project

Email Karyn


Laura Varela

Director of United4Hope

Email Laura


Stan Weber

Director of Donor Care

Email Stan

Marian Campos sm

Marian Campos

United4Hope Program Manager

Email Marian


Ginger Gaines

Special Projects

Email Ginger


Dr. Mike Hidalgo

United4Hope Program Manager

Email Mike


John Knorr

Office Administrator

Email John

katie masters

Katie Masters

United4Hope Program Manager

Email Katie


Jenny Runyon

United4Hope Program Manager

Email Jenny

Building partnerships between churches and Metro Nashville Public Schools and the Franklin Special School District.

Working to equip, support, and connect Pastors in order to live out their calling.

Vocational mentoring that invests in the next generation of leaders.