
Since its inception, Operation Andrew Group has been about bringing together pastors across areas of difference, not to hash out theology or praxis, but to be in relationship with one another.


What started in a room to bring people to a history event at Nissan Stadium has gone through several iterations, from hosting Pastor & Spouse Honor Banquets, gatherings, LINC Cohorts, and more.

2009 Pastors honor banquet
Pastors Gathering

Building on the meaningful relationships built by pastors, United4Pastors began by listening to the people of the city through the State of Nashville study and bringing pastors together around the data, so that we can live out the Nehemiahian moment of building our city.

Board of Directors

Kevin Hawley

Board Chair

Wes Turner
Vice Chair

Sandy Bledsoe


Joe Hutts


Linda Leathers

President, ex officio

Mark Barrett

Tammy Brewer

Cullen Douglass

Howard Gentry

Tam Gordon

Brenda Haywood

Zach Hurd

Stan Knott

Michael Pratt

Richard Williams

Leadership Team

Linda Leathers

Linda Leathers


Email Linda


Adam Buzard

Director of United4Pastors

Email Adam

Karyn headshot

Karyn Humphries, ACC

Director of Oak Project

Email Karyn


Laura Varela

Director of United4Hope

Email Laura


Stan Weber

Director of Donor Care

Email Stan

Marian Campos sm

Marian Campos

United4Hope Program Manager

Email Marian


Ginger Gaines

Special Projects

Email Ginger


Dr. Mike Hidalgo

United4Hope Program Manager

Email Mike


John Knorr

Office Administrator

Email John

katie masters

Katie Masters

United4Hope Program Manager

Email Katie


Jenny Runyon

United4Hope Program Manager

Email Jenny

Building partnerships between churches and Metro Nashville Public Schools and the Franklin Special School District.

Working to equip, support, and connect Pastors in order to live out their calling.

Uniting generations through mentoring, to shape faith-filled leaders in the Greater Nashville area.