Advent Week 4: Love

As we reflect on the fourth week of Advent, we consider the gift of Love. The birth of Jesus was God’s gift of love to the world. Chosen people were guided to see this tiny, vulnerable infant who would grow to take on the sins of the world. That newborn who was wrapped in coarse pieces of cloth was already the King of Kings! What was it like for them to see this baby? How did His young parents feel when they came to offer gifts and bow before Him? It must have been overwhelming and at the same time they must have been so full of love and gratitude for this child. The ultimate gift of Love.
The churches at United4Hope are filled with the love of Jesus and extend His love to the students, teachers, and families in tangible ways all throughout the year. Churches are providing the gift of food to those who are hungry, linking arms with children who need someone they can count on, and providing encouragement to educators who are pouring into their students all day every day. This love that they show to the schools comes from the love of God that flows through them. What a blessing it is to see His love in action all around our city. We want to thank our United4Hope volunteers for loving God and loving their neighbors so well in our school communities in this season and throughout the year.
Our United4Hope team wishes you a Merry Christmas, and we look forward to seeing you in the new year!