Collaboration Corner Back to School Splash | September 2019

Donelson Family at First Baptist Church and Pennington Elementary: Back to School Splash The Student Ministry from Donelson Family at First Baptist planned the Back To School Splash at Pennington Elementary. Over 50 volunteers helped to prepare and serve food, lead activities, and conduct a drawing for two Tennessee Titans tickets for the October 27th…

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Collaboration Corner Strong Tower Bible Church | July 2019

Strong Tower Bible Church and Edgehill Community: Bless Fest Strong Tower Bible Church spearheaded Bless Fest at Carter Lawrence Elementary in the heart of Edgehill at the end of June. It is a collaborative effort among many churches, non-profits, and businesses to love on our neighbors by providing food, health screenings, hair cuts, and a…

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Collaboration Corner Back to School Events| August 2019

Church Community Partners and MNPS: Back to School Events Our church community partners volunteered with our school partners at back to school events throughout the city in July and August. From community festivals, backpack drives, free haircuts, bouncy houses, meet the teacher nights, and more, our church partners were out and about supporting their schools. …

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Community Events | 2018-2019 Year End Partnership Celebration

2018-2019 School Year Celebration Showcases Collaboration Across MNPS Our Partnership Celebration was a wonderful gathering of over 100 partner pastors, principals, coordinators, school liaisons, and volunteers – all sharing a lunch at Belmont University! Stan Weber, Director of UnitedHope, and Dr. Tony Majors of MNPS beamed with stories of advancement in the 2018-2019 academic year.…

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Volunteer Data | April 2019

Each year, new partners join our network, and existing partners deepen their engagement. Seeing how this engagement translates into meaningful interactions between students, staff, families, and volunteers encourages us as we collaborate with MNPS to understand how the faith community can support district initiatives. Our third quarter data for the 2018-2019 school year can be…

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Volunteer Data | June 2019

Each year, new partners join our network, and existing partners deepen their engagement. Seeing how this engagement translates into meaningful interactions between students, staff, families, and volunteers encourages us as we collaborate with MNPS to understand how the faith community can support district initiatives. Our volunteerism data for the 2018-2019 school year can be viewed…

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Collaboration Corner Fellowship Bible Nashville | May 2019

Fellowship Bible Nashville and Waverly Belmont Elementary: Classroom Support Waverly Belmont Elementary hosts an annual Evening of the Arts. The art teacher asked Fellowship Bible Nashville to recruit volunteers to help hang student artwork in the hallway in preparation for the event. Church coordinator Jill Guinness recruited volunteers through the church’s Facebook page and announcements…

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Collaboration Corner Stratford Team | March 2019

City Church of East Nashville, Dalewood UMC, Midtown Fellowship East and Stratford STEM Magnet School: Multi-Church Prayer Walk Earlier in the Fall semester, the United4Hope Stratford team dreamed of inviting students, teachers, administrators, and community members to prayerfully walk through the school. They began by building trust and rapport with staff during their weekly Prayer…

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Community Events | Poverty Simulation 2019

MNPS Community Achieves Hosts Poverty Simulation The Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) Community Achieves Poverty Simulation was held at Trevecca University on February 28, 2019. We had a great turnout of United4Hope volunteers at the event. A big shout out goes to the Community Achieves team for organizing and facilitating such a great event! Participants…

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Volunteer Data | February 2019

Each year, new partners join our network, and existing partners deepen their engagement. Seeing how this engagement translates into meaningful interactions between students, staff, families, and volunteers encourages us as we collaborate with MNPS to understand how the faith community can support district initiatives. For the second quarter of the 2018-2019 school year, we saw…

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