Coordinator Convening 2024
Last Thursday night United4Hope hosted the annual coordinator convening for church coordinators, ministers, and volunteers in both Davidson and Williamson Counties. Attendees heard from school leadership from both Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) and the Franklin Special School District (FSSD).
Speakers included Hank Clay, Chief of staff for MNPS, Dr. David Snowden, Director of Schools for the FSSD, Alicia Barker, FSSD board member and development director for the NOOK (Needs of Our Children), Jami Oakley, MNPS Community Partnership Coordinator of the HERO Program (Homeless Education Resource Office), a panel of church coordinators and a counselor from both districts, and Adam Buzard, Director of United4Pastors.
We loved coming together with such dedicated volunteers and leaders across Nashville and Franklin to learn best practices for school and church partnerships, and we can’t wait to kick off a wonderful new school year in both districts!