How to Prepare for Your Partnership This Summer

How to prepare for your school partnership in the ’24-’25 school year:

  1. Pray. Ask God for open doors at the school and hearts willing to serve at your church.
  2. Budget. Meet with your church leadership to align on your church’s capacity and commitment for this school year.
  3. Plan. Get an appointment with your school liaison to begin outlining the plan for your partnership. (July is often a great time to meet!) Ask about summer and back-to-school opportunities that can serve as a gateway into the school year.
  4. Recruit. It’s never a bad time to recruit new volunteers, but we’ve found that often people are most enthusiastic headed into a new school year!
  5. Promote. Think of how you can market United4Hope opportunities to your church body. Are there pre-roll slides running before Sunday morning worship? What kind of e-newsletters or internal church communications could you utilize? Would your church leadership be open to promoting United4Hope opportunities during a worship service?
  6. Prepare. Summer is a perfect time to have your volunteers register with United4Hope and submit their annual background checks. Consider running a short orientation after a Sunday service to encourage the completion of these tasks and generate excitement for the upcoming school year.
  7. Keep praying! There is nothing more important. Our endeavors succeed only because the Lord is with us.