Partnership Highlight: Berry’s Chapel Church of Christ and Poplar Grove Elementary and Middle Schools
In January, Berry’s Chapel Church of Christ met with Poplar Grove Elementary and Middle Schools to brainstorm ways to collaborate and meet school goals. Shelby Pratt is leading the church efforts as church coordinator. The church is also establishing a community center at the Franklin Estates where many Poplar Grove students live. This ministry is called “Juntos” which is a Spanish word for “together”. Most recently, Berry’s Chapel provided a wonderful lunch for 47 staff members.
“On March 8th we provided lunch for Poplar Grove Elementary teachers and staff for early dismissal day before spring break. It went well and was great to connect with the teachers and staff and introduce them to our “Juntos” ministry.’’ Shelby Pratt, Berry’s Chapel Church of Christ church coordinator.

Pictured: Poplar Grove ES School Liaison and Counselor, Keith Welch and Berry’s Chapel Church of Christ Church Coordinator, Shelby Pratt.