Partnership Highlight: The Donelson Fellowship and McGavock High School

As the school year is now in full swing, stories are pouring in from many of our incredible church and school partnerships! All throughout the Metro Nashville Public School System, teachers, students, and families are being impacted by the generosity of both our churches and schools.

One such partnership is The Donelson Fellowship and McGavock High School. One of our incredible church coordinators, Pedro Garcia, met with McGavock High School site manager, Arielle Mclaurin, to discuss their goals for the year and areas of opportunity for collaboration. Arielle looked at her food inventory and saw only a box of crackers and a few granola bars (hardly enough to put a dent in the hunger of over 2,000 high schoolers). Pedro immediately jumped into action, telling Arielle to hang tight and that he was working on it.

The next day, Pedro showed up to McGavock High School with an abundance of snacks- over $600 worth! Thanks to the generosity of The Donelson Fellowship, hungry students now have access to snacks to fuel them and keep them engaged in learning throughout the day. Arielle’s daily commitment to engaging students and families within the school allowed her to advocate on their behalf, while the generosity and initiative of Pedro and their entire congregation allowed them to meet an immediate need and help students in a tangible way. Thank you to all our partners for the incredible work you are all doing!

Pictured from left to right: McGavock High School Executive Principal Bruce Jackson, McGavock High School Site Coordinator Arielle Mclaurin, and a McGavock High School student.
Pictured from left to right: McGavock High School Executive Principal Bruce Jackson, The Donelson Fellowship Church Coordinator Pedro Garcia, and a McGavock High School student.