Pastor Perspective – New Hope Missionary Baptist Church and West End Middle School

We welcomed Reverend Terence Hailey to the blog today to share about New Hope Missionary Baptist Church’s mentoring group at West End Middle School. Welcome, Reverend Hailey!
Tell us about New Hope Missionary Baptist Church’s partnership with West End Middle. In what capacity have you been able to engage with the school?
The Church that I am the acting Interim Pastor at, has been active with West End Middle the last 5 or 6 years during the leadership of our former Pastor, Rev. James C. Turner, Jr. During his tenure, the relationship between New Hope Missionary Baptist Church and West End Middle grew. One example was that between the two institutions, a boys group called True Gentlemen evolved. It was a program which taught young men manners, how to tie ties, take pride in who they are, and the proper way to treat a female date. The program also concentrated on academics.
What is the hope for your mentoring group for the coming school year?
My role is to be the best mentor I can be to the West End Middle young men. I take pride in my role by assuring myself that I am on time for our mentorship sessions. I am a good listener, which is essential to have when mentoring them. At this time, we are in the beginning stages of implementing a female mentorship at West End Middle. I work in unison with Mrs. Lerlie Cleveland who is the mentorship coordinator from New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, and Mrs. Boone who is the school counselor at West End Middle School. We are all working together to accomplish the best results possible from the mentoring program.
What advice would you give a minister or a church member that is thinking about partnering with a local public school?
I believe that in order to be a successful mentor you must be able to make sacrifices, possess compassion for others, be a good listener, and meet the mentee where they are.
Thank you, Revered Hailey, for giving us a glimpse into the mentoring group at West End Middle. We look forward to a wonderful new school year beginning August 6th for MNPS!