St. David’s Episcopal Church transforms Bellevue Middle School’s Conference Room
A school conference room is like a school classroom in that parent’s step into a space where they are safe, important, and are treated with empathy, understanding, and a helping hand. A school conference room is the intersection between an issue and a solution. It’s a time parents and school staff come together for the benefit of the student(s). It’s an important space with hard conversations, therefore, St. David’s Episcopal Church decided to transform Bellevue Middle’s School Conference Room into a comfortable, pleasant, and welcoming space. Michelle Heil and Lori Kuenneth are the church coordinators for St. David’s Episcopal. Michelle and her family recently moved out of state, and we thank her for her years of volunteer service to MNPS.

How can we as the Church community continue to create beautiful and comfortable places for families and students to step into at a public school? The possibilities are endless, it just takes asking the school.
Before the renovations provided by St. David’s Episcopal:

After the renovations: