Advent: The Joy of Christ

By: Sammi Coken, OAGroup Ministry Support Specialist
Advent is a time to rest and remember the joy in what the Lord is doing in our lives. We are always on the run in the world, working as hard as we can to accomplish whatever goal or job we may have for ourselves and forgetting that Jesus reminds us to rejoice in him. Philippians 4:4 say, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” Have you taken the time to stop and remind yourself of the joy the Lord has given you?
When I think of the Lord’s joy in our lives, I think of the many students we get to work with and serve in these schools. Students in play, tutoring, and lunch buddies are joyful to be with YOU, learning from YOU, and joyful that YOU are spending time with them. Kids are such a wonderful example of the joy that the Lord has placed on this earth to remind us that this world is temporary, and while it may be hard, we have a reminder when we see kids’ childlike joy.
How does partnering with public schools show Nashville the JOY of Christ?
One of the beautiful things about getting to serve in the schools is having to put everything that is going on personally in your life aside and walk into the school with Christ’s love. Ready for whatever comes your way, whether writing teachers notes of appreciation, reading with a student, or playing outside with students during recess. It is an honor to serve those families that live right down the street from you that you may have never met! Something I have been reminded of recently is we can all feel happiness, but joy is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Joy is something we have to continue praying for.
My prayer for you is that you get to rest in the joy of the Lord this season, and remember that the Lord chose to give you the wonderful gift of joy, so rejoice and lean on his everlasting love.
1 Peter 1:8-9 says,
8 “Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 9 for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.”