U4H Call To All Hispanic Churches

MNPS y FSSD han crecido enormemente en su población estudiantil hispana. Hacemos un llamado a todas las iglesias hispanas para que se unan a nosotros en el apoyo a una escuela. Su iglesia puede ayudar simplemente escribiendo notas de aliento para los maestros o ofreciéndose como voluntario en un evento escolar. Cualquier persona de su…

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Coordinator Lunch and Learn on February 29th!

Calling all United4Hope church coordinators!   You are invited to join us for lunch on February 29th at 12:00 noon at Madison Christian Church, 605 W. Old Hickory Blvd, Madison, Tn. This is a special time where we will hear from several MNPS panelists on best practices for partnering with our schools.  Do you have topics or…

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United4Hope Coordinator Interview: Josie Hayes

Laura: Hello, Josie! Please introduce yourself and tell us about your background.  Josie: Hello Faithful Readers, before I introduce myself, I would like to give God all the Glory and Praise for His goodness, love, and provisions.   My name is Josie Smith Hayes. I grew up in Olivet Missionary Baptist Church and was baptized at…

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Advent Week 4: Love

The fourth candle in the season of Advent represents Love. I am pausing in this busy season to reflect on the love that Mary must have felt toward her precious baby boy. The love, respect, and protection Joseph felt toward Mary. God’s love for us in sending that baby to walk the earth for us.…

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Advent Week 3: Joy 

8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good…

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Advent Week 2: Peace 

Christmas is a beautiful holiday filled with parties, great food, family, and friends. For some, however, Christmas can include grief and loss and can exacerbate the feeling that things are not as they are supposed to be. Christmas can point us to our ultimate hope in Jesus and intensify our longing for something more than…

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Advent Week 1: Hope

As we enter this season, I think back to my first experiences in observing Advent as I sat with my mom and brother at Christ Church in Rugby, Tn. I didn’t really understand what each candle represented and all the theology behind it. What I did know was that I had a palpable sense of…

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