Resting in Him

Hello friends, As summer gets into full swing, we want to thank you all for a wonderful year in partnership with United4Hope and Operation Andrew Group. Our church/school partners spent so many hours working alongside the MNPS teachers, students, and their families in building relationships and creating a stronger community. Your U4H group hopes that…

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Exciting Times!

Hello there, I would like to introduce myself to everyone. I am Jenny Runyon, and I am a new program manager with United4Hope. I just finished my 25th year as a middle school educator and am so glad to continue my journey with teachers, students, and their local churches in a new capacity! What a…

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U4H and the State of Nashville

By: Adam Buzard, Director of United4Pastors Happy First Day of Spring! Who doesn’t love kicking off this new season with scraping your car and multiple layers of coats? With new life blooming, Holy Week, and Easter around the corner it is such an exciting time of year and the air feels ripe with opportunity.  Operation…

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Can You Tutor This Semester?

By: Adam Buzard,  Director of Pastor Engagement & OAGroup Programming We hope you all had a restful and meaningful Advent and Christmas! As we kick off 2023, we are excited for all the opportunities and possibilities the new year and new semester holds for our church and school partnerships!  Whether you have been around United4Hope…

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Advent: The Peace of Christ

By: Stan Weber, Director of Donor Care Advent is a time of anticipating the timely arrival of the Prince of Peace. We find comfort in knowing that Jesus is our Prince of Peace. However, for many, this Advent season may be a most “unpeaceful time” as we face peace disturbers. These disturbers can be at…

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Advent: The Joy of Christ

By: Sammi Coken, OAGroup Ministry Support Specialist Advent is a time to rest and remember the joy in what the Lord is doing in our lives. We are always on the run in the world, working as hard as we can to accomplish whatever goal or job we may have for ourselves and forgetting that…

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Advent: The Love of Christ

By: Laura Varela, Director of United4Hope Advent reminds us that Jesus loved us so much that he left heaven and came to earth to redeem us. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces, and we esteemed him not…

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