U4H 20 Days of Prayer || Day 5

God of the past, present and future,  Thank you for each and every student that comes into our schools. We are grateful forthe hope you have filled them with as well as their unique talents, skills, perspectives,compassion, drive, insight, and dreams that you have imbued in every one.   “And I am sure of this, that…

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U4H 20 Days of Prayer || Day 4

LORD God, thank you for the families that you have given each student. Please providehealth in the marriages and the lives of single parents as they pour into parenting.Please give them the wisdom and knowledge as to the character of each child. Helpeach one to seek You first when they are at a loss for…

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U4H 20 Days of Prayer || Day 3

Father God,  We pray for the emotional health of our students, for provision of the resources that theyneed to live with peace in their minds, bodies, and spirits.   We pray for those students who externalize their trauma through anger and acting out.May the people around them make them feel seen, heard, and loved. May they…

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U4H 20 Days of Prayer || Day 2

Heavenly Father, we lift up these precious students as they navigate their social lives.Guide them in their choices and relationships. We pray for the protection of innocenceas they move throughout their schools, their after-school teams and clubs, and eventheir homes. May they be lights to one another in our city. Let them show kindness andcompassion…

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The State of Nashville

State of Nashville Report book mockup

The State of Nashville examines the city through the lens of a city re-building, and how people are experiencing all areas of measured flourishing. Faith leaders have shared that the data contained in the State of Nashville has been surprising, interesting, and has challenged their felt experiences.

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U4H 20 Days of Prayer || Day 1

Heavenly Father,   As we start this school year, we pray for the academic development of our students. Weknow that the social-emotional pressures weighing on our students are heavy and oftenkeep them from focusing on their studies. We pray for environments of safety so thatour students may learn. May their burdens be easy and light.  We…

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Back to School with United4Hope!

We are so excited to be heading back into our Metro Nashville Public Schools with our amazing church coordinators and volunteers! For the next few weeks, we are going to focus on specific church/school partnerships in an effort to celebrate these relationships. It is such a blessing to us to see the good work happening…

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Dr. Battle to Speak at Coordinator Convening on July 27, 2023

United4Hope is excited to announce that Metro Nashville Public Schools’ superintendent, Dr. Adrienne Battle, will speak at the upcoming Coordinator Convening on July 27 at Otter Creek Church, West End. Dr. Battle will update us on MNPS’ initiatives for the 2023-24 school year and rally the U4H Coordinators for a great year of school/church partnerships.…

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Announcing the 2023 Coordinator Convening!

Can you guess where the 2023 Coordinator Convening will be? That’s right; Otter Creek Church, West End campus! On July 27 at 6:00-7:30pm, all of our church coordinators, along with their pastors, will gather to hear from Metro Nashville Public Schools leadership and to be inspired as we head into the 2023-24 school year. If…

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A Time for Reconnecting

Dear United4Hope and Operation Andrew Group Partners, As we lean into summer, we trust that you are finding the time to reconnect with friends and spend more quality time with your families. It is often that those visits tend to rejuvenate us and remind us of where we come from and the rich experiences that…

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