Contact U4H

United4Hope serves our public schools as a conduit for church community partnerships.

If you are interested in partnering with United4Hope, please fill out the contact form and a staff member will follow up with you.


Office: 615.352.1805


PO Box 128045

Nashville, TN, 37212


1807 Grand Avenue

Nashville, TN 37212

General Inquiries

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Get Involved

Dr. Adrienne Battle, Director of Metro Nashville Public Schools
Dr. Adrienne Battle, Director of Metro Nashville Public Schools

“In order for our students and schools to be successful, we rely on strong partnerships with the community as volunteers. We have found United4Hope to be among those valued partners. The organization has been influential in addressing student achievement, encouraging MNPS employees, engaging with families and providing needed in-kind contributions that help students and schools. MNPS thanks United4Hope and its network of churches for being strong advocates and volunteers within our public schools.”

Dr. Adrienne Battle

Director of Metro Nashville Public Schools


United4Hope is an initiative of Operation Andrew Group.

Building partnerships between churches and Metro Nashville Public Schools and the Franklin Special School District.

Working to equip, support, and connect Pastors in order to live out their calling.

Vocational mentoring that invests in the next generation of leaders.